Springing back to life

As the weather warms, buds pop, and leaves unfurl, so too does my mood.

On the hob - work in progress

Same as last month! Although, this Thursday I’ll be doing a workshop on ‘Writing Bad Guys’, so if you fancy it, come along to the Number One Writing Group at Rochdale Library and get your villain on!

Learning, always learning - CPD

Not much last month - to be honest, March passed in a blur. I’ve relearned KDENLIVE to never use it again after struggling to put a podcast together for my YouTube channel. (Oh yes, I’m back, see it here and ignore the weird slot where a frame should be that KDENLIVE randomly decided to NOT render. Grr.)

I’ve entered a couple of writing competitions because it’s been an age since I did this and I’m trying to get stuff out there again.

Filling the well - replenishing creativity

At the beginning of March, after a tumultuous, and scary, beginning of the year, my friend Gina treated us both to a spa day in Chester which was lovely. I’m not great at relaxing and resting but I’m trying to learn to be!

Image of the River Dee

The River Dee and a comorant.

I went to see Pixies with the aforementioned ace friend Gina in mid-March. Sitting down at a gig is a thing now for this gently ageing rock chick!

Image of Pixies at Manchester's Albert Hall

Pixies at Manchester’s Albert Hall, they finished with Monkey Gone to Heaven which made me very happy.

I saw my friend Cazz a couple of times in March - we’ve been friends for longer than we care to remember (about 33 years). And we had ridiculous cocktails as well as a catch up.

A picture of two ostentatious cocktails. one of them has a fake tongue covered in popping candy.

Ostentatious cocktails at The Alchemist. The one on the right is called “French Kiss” and it was ridiculous, but very tasty.

It’s also been a month, now that I’m part-time, of making soup and delicious, nutritious meals from scratch.

And I think that’s it for this month’s update except that I’ll end with a photo I took while out at RSPB St Aidan’s yesterday - a squabble of birds but still a tranquil day out.

A pathway across one of the causeways at RSPB St Aidans. There are wetlands either side of the path and it is marked with a "Permissive Footpath" sign.

Permissive Footpath across the scrapes, reedbeds, and wetlands of RSPB St Aidan’s.


Gonna be May


Plodding on - balancing creativity and CPD (and avoiding CBA)